Thesis on Determinants of Ground Handling Service Performance: Empirical Evidence From Ethiopian Airlines Group
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This study has been conducted on Determinants of ground handling service performance with
the special emphasis on Ethiopian airlines group (EAG). The major objective of the study was to
assess the factors affecting ground handling service and the performance of ground handling
service of EAG .Specifically, the study focused on assessing how Infrastructure and facility,
supplier relationship, availability of skilled manpower, Integration and communication,
passenger, cargo and ramp handling service, Regulation and communication and safety and
security affect the ground service performance of EAG. To realize these objectives, the
researcher adopted a mixed research approach with descriptive research design. Both primary
and secondary sources and types of data were utilized for the study. As primary data collection
tools, self-administered survey questionnaires that were measured by Likert scale were used.
Semi-structured interviews were also held with six interviewees of each unit representative. The
questionnaires were sent for 118 respondents via outlook of which 91questionnaire were
successfully received/collected. Moreover 384 questioners were distributed for premium
passengers and 336 questioners were collected successfully. Document analysis was also done to
collect secondary data. The collected primary data were presented in tables and analyzed using
SPSS version 26. The findings of the study indicate thatall variables of the study which
includesupplier relationship, integration and communication, infrastructure and facility, skilled
manpower have positive and significant effects oncompetitiveness of EAG. But data obtained
from the interview indicates that a critical issues both infrastructure and skilled manpower and
negatively affecting the ground handling service performance of EAG where the infrastructure
layout both inside airport and air side negatively affecting the passenger, cargo and ramp
handling processes that in turn affects customer satisfaction and on time performance of ground
handling service. The study concluded and recommended that since the airline existence,
profitability and competitiveness are highly affected by punctuality of the ground handling
service, Infrastructure and facility, skilled manpower, Supplier relationship, integration and
communication, safety and security, all stakeholders of EAGneed to provide special attentions
in the long run by implementing special supplier relationship management practice tools,
reevaluating the integration and communication tool, creating and bundling more better airport
infrastructure and facilities, working more on skilled manpower and human capital management
and advancing safety and security management using modern technology etc.