Water Supply Coverage, Hydraulic Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Distribution System

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Addis Ababa University


Water distribution systems are designed to fulfill all requirements of potable water needed for decades. Initial system designs frequently consider any anticipated changes likely to happen. However, as time elapsed they slowly begin to fail to satisfy customers’ requirements. Adama town is the capital city of Oromia regional state. It is also one of the largest cities of the region as well as the country with a total population of around 373,600. At present the principal source of drinking water for the town is River Awash located west of the town, about 11 km from the central office. The paper considered this source for analysis. The main objective of this study is to investigate the state of the existing water distribution system, coverage and evaluate the hydraulic performance of the water distribution network with the aid of computer analysis. The peak hour demand is analyzed to verify that the existing sizes of network pipes are sufficiently provide the minimum required pressure at all demand points. The minimum hour demand is analyzed for evaluation of pipe material and strength of the network. To evaluate the existing performance of water distribution system, a model was developed utilizing Water CAD software. The model can be used to solve ongoing problems, analyze proposed operational changes, and prepare for unusual events. Calibrations of data on pressure at different location were collected. The model run was performed for different scenarios to analyze the system model, what if conditions. These scenarios are at average day demand, peak hourly demand and Minimum day demand. Comparing representative samples of the distribution main’s pressure field-test with the model-simulated values showed a reasonable and small difference to calibrate the model. The model analysis result showed the different problems of the system, these are oversized and undersized pipes, zero flow velocity and low pressures (-67m up to 9m H2O) due to pipe size and topography of the area.



Water Distribution System, Modeling, Watercad, Hydraulic Performance, Water Demand, Maximum Pressure, Minimum Pressure, Velocity, Source, Adama
