Retrospective analysis of etiology, clinical profile and management outcome of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in patients seen at Tikur Anbessa specialized hospital between December 2018 to December 2019.
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Addis Abeba University
Background: Upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) is one of the most of common medical
emergencies patients visit to Emergency department having significant morbidity and mortality.
The causes and outcomes of UGIB differ geographically depending on demographic differences
and socioeconomic status of local population.
Objectives: To assess the etiology, clinical profile and management outcome of patients admitted
with UGIB at TASH.
Methods and Materials: A Single centered retrospective study was conducted to determine the
etiology, clinical profile and management outcomes of patients seen with UGIB at TASH over a
period of one year (from December 2018 to December 2019). Data was collected analyzed using
the latest SPSS version 26. Associations was done by chi-square test for categorical tests and
considered to be statistically significant when the P value is below 0.05.
Result: A total of 101 patients were enrolled in this study, 52.4% of patients were from outpatient
and the rest were admitted patients. Majority of Patients (47.5%) were from Addis Ababa. Most
patients had age less than 40 and the male to female ratio was 2.6:1.The most common clinical
presentation was hematemesis seen in 42(41.6%) of patients. Risk factors identified were history
of alcohol intake in 60 (59.4%), prior liver disease in 24 (23.4%), Smoking history in 10 (9.9%)
patients respectively. The most common comorbidities were HTN and DM each accounts for 10%
of patients. The most endoscopic finding was Esophageal varices seen in 34(33.7%) of patients
followed by DU which is seen in 20 (19.8%) of patients.70 were managed only medically while
31 patients managed endoscopically. Timing of endoscopy was assessed for admitted patients and
30 (62.5%) of patients got endoscopy done after 24 hours. The most common endoscopic
procedure was EVL which is done for 26 (25.7%) of patients. Patients who stayed in the wards for
less than 7 days had 91% less risk of developing in hospital complications.
Conclusion: In this study, most of patient has age less than 40 years, males are predominant and
esophageal varices are the most common etiology identified.
Upper gastrointestinal bleeding, clinical profile, management outcomes, TASH