Water Use and Operation Analysis of Water Resource Systems in Omo Gibe River Basin

dc.contributor.advisorHailu, Dereje (PhD)
dc.contributor.authorAsefa, Daniel
dc.description.abstractIn this study, HEC-ResSim (Hydrologic Engineering Center-Reservoir System Simulation) model was used to simulate water use and operation of existing, ongoing and planned hydraulic infrastructures, and irrigation schemes in Omo Gibe river basin. For these purpose five different water resource scenarios were simulated viz. Scenario-T, Scenario-A, Scenario-B, Scenario-C and Scenario-D. Scenario-T was first set up to simulate gauged flow routing without taking into account effects of development and a good agreement was observed between simulated and measured flow at Karadus station. The Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency criterion obtained for the catchment was 0.782. Following this, the model was configured to simulate the recent and proposed development interventions on water resource. Scenario-A result showed that an average annual energy of 780GWh/year and 1911GWh/year are produced by Gibe I and Gibe II respectively when they are operated in tandem. Equivalent storage distribution was also examined among reservoirs in the entire simulation period. The current study, HEC-ResSim simulation in scenario B, has discovered that long term effects of operation of Gibe III power plant would increase the dry season outflow and decrease in flood season outflow from the Omo- Gibe river system. An average increase of 130% in mean monthly inflows from November to June and decrease of 25% in mean monthly inflows from July to October was observed at Karadus. But the mean annual outflow from the basin at Karadus will be decrease by 1.14%. Simulation of Gibe III power plant produced an average annual energy of 6,488GWh/year and power of 758.94MW.The firm energy and power that can be guaranteed 90% of the time are 5885GWh/year, 625.0MW respectively. The average energy obtained is close with the study made by EEPCO. The firm energy obtained is also similar and greater than the energy obtained during reservoir operation studied by EEPCO. Due to upstream regulation i.e. intervention the proposed power plants, Gojeb and Hallele Warabesa stage I and II, in the upstream Omo-Gibe basin under scenario D can increases firm energy production of Gibe III power plant to 6023GWh (2.75%) per year with same reliability and the average annual energy can also increase to 7587 GWh per year (by 15.66%). Moreover, during scenario D simulation annually about 1.87BCM volume of water will be diverted into irrigation site under full irrigation development (142,000ha) and the annual volume of water from Omo-Gibe river system below the proposed irrigation sits will decrease by 14.15%. Keywords: Firm Energy, HEC-ResSIM, Reservoir Operation, Simulation scenario, Karadus, and Reservoir Network IV Dedication This work is dedicated solely to my mother Abeba Yemataw,en_US
dc.publisherAddis Ababa Universityen_US
dc.subjectFirm Energy; HEC-ResSIM; Reservoir Operation; Simulation scenario; Karadus; and Reservoir Networken_US
dc.titleWater Use and Operation Analysis of Water Resource Systems in Omo Gibe River Basinen_US


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