Management Development Practices and Problems In Ethio telecom
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Addis Ababa University
As the world moves towards a globalized service dominant economy system with experiencing
rapid growth, many nations shift from a manufacturing –based economy to service economy, the
major factor for this change is the invention of computer technology and advancement in
telecommunication. This research was conducted with the objective of assessing management
development practices and problems in Ethio telecom, It is an exploration of the issues
concerning management development practices in terms of how development needs were
assessed, and how the program is evaluated and the strategic position and roles of management
development and giving suggestions to improve the effectiveness these activities. The research
has adopted a qualitative and quantities approach. The data were gathered through a
combination of structured interviews with 5 chief officers and the rest 218 a survey questionnaire
were distributed for mangers and officers additionally the company policy and procedure were
used as a secondary source of data. The study reveals that, there were absences of systematic
management training needs assessment and of effective procedures for evaluation. Regularly the
company provided training for managers whenever the mangers up graded to fill new position.
Management development program faces many problems: lack of long term plan for developing
managers, poor quality management training program, lack of private training centres,
inaccurate development need assessment, difficulty to evaluate training and development out
comes. Then I recommended that, management development program needs to be a systematic
function, linked and derived from the overall organizational strategies, plans and policies, rather
than being piecemeal, standalone activities, designed to react to the current organizational
conditions In terms of management development need assessment, this process needs to be
systematic; training needs should be assessed based on objective systematic techniques rather
than being subjective to the mangers direct viewpoints and personal aspects and it should be for
all managerial level by emphasizing the need to be on performance appraisal records and job
descriptions. When assessing training needs, the analyses should include individual,
organizational and job training needs rather than only individuals' needs.
Management Development, Practices and Problems