Magnitude of Maternal Satisfaction with Labor Epidural Analgesia Andfactors Associated with it in Selected Health Care Facilities (Black Lionhospital, Korean General Hospital And Grace Maternity and Childrenhospital) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2023

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Addis Ababa University


Maternal satisfaction with childbirth is a complex measure that is influenced by several factors. Among these labor pain management is one factor. There are different methods of labor pain management. Labor epidural analgesia is one method of analgesia. Currently labour epidural analgesia is widely practiced all over the world, and today in many developed countries labour epidural analgesia reflects standard obstetric care. In Ethiopia, over the past few years. labour epidural analgesia is practiced in some health facilities but there is paucity of study regarding magnitude of maternal satisfaction with LEA. Objective: the aim of this study was to determine the magnitude of parturient who are satisfied with labor epidural analgesia and factors associated with it. Methods: A retrospective cross sectional study was conducted between the period of September 2022 to march 2023 among 260 parturient who received labor epidural analgesia in selected health facilities located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Data were collected using an intervie werad ministered structured questionnaire. Demographic, obstetric and anesthetic data were collected. The patient was interviewed by phone call within 6 months of postpartum period. Satisfaction was measured using Likert scale and categorized into satisfied(likert scale 4 and 5) and dissatisfied(likert scale 1upto 3). All demographic and clinical variables presented as categorical variables and summarized in Frequency tables, graph and piechart.Binary Logistic Regression model were applied to do the analysis. Results: 260 parturient were included into the study, of which the magnitude of parturient who are satisfied with Labor epidural analgesia was about 83 percent. High satisfaction was positively associated with on timing of LEA initiation (p-value 0.01, AOR=15.08; 95% CI: 4.97, 25.71), spontaneous vaginal delivery (p- value 0.04, AOR=3.54; 95% CI: 1.25, 10.17) and absence of complication associated with LEA (p-value 0.02, AOR=6.48; 95% CI: 1.75, 12.62). Being housewife (p-value 0.007, AOR= 0.19; 95% CI: 0.10, 0.74) and primipar aous (p-value 0.004 AOR= 0.30; 95% CI: 0.12, 0.822) were associated with patient dissatisfaction.


