The Auxiliary in Amharic and English A Contrastive Study

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Addis Ababa University


The the s i s is a contrastive study of the auxi liary in Amharic and English, usinG TG model. In the study, the s urface a nd deep structures of the a uxiliary in Amharic and English h a ve been described a nd analysed separately. The n , the surface structure contrast and the deep to surface structure contrast of the two l anguages h ave been inv estigated. On the basis of this contrastive analysis it his been found that the constituent s of the a uxiliary in English (i.e., Tense , Moda l and Aspec t) are systematically different from the constituents of tho a uxiliary in Am h ar ic (i. e ., Aspect , Moda l a nd Tense) even in this order. Based on the result of th is comparison , hypothetica1 predictions of e rrors have been made which may be committed by Amhar ic s p eakers in learning the auxiliary i n EnGli sh. Finally, p a ttern practice based on the genera tive and tra nsformt i onal rules discuss ed in the st u d y has b een recomm e n ded as a method of overcoming the predicted e rrors .



Auxiliary in Amharic and English
