The Effect Of Outsourcing Cleaning Service On The Aesthetic Value Of Facilities: The Case Of Addis Ababa University

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Addis Ababa University


The main objective of this study was to assess the effect of cleaning service outsourcing on the aesthetic value of facility of Addis Ababa University; with the aim of identifying the contractual agreement management challenges that impede application of business process outsourcing and major shortcoming of cleaning service outsourcing in the Addis Ababa University and to suggest possible solutions that contribute to the betterment of cleaning service; through appropriate control and management system. To achieve at this objective descriptive type of research was applied and as well as quantitative and qualitative research methods were used. To get relevant information about this study; both primary and in some extent secondary data were collected. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics method (frequencies, mean, minimum, maximum and standard deviation) using SPSS 20 version. The populations of this study were defined as selected departments and sections of permanent employees of AAU and undergraduate regular full serviced (those who obtain dormitory, cafeteria and other services in the University) students of the University. About 316 questionnaires were administered to selected departments and sections of the University such as department of facility director and team leaders, procurement and property administration directors and team leaders, educational departments, laboratories and student service team employees. In addition about 373 questionnaires were administered to the selected students of the University to get primary data and 2007/8 contractual agreement of outsourced cleaning service document was referred to collect some secondary data. Besides these; interviews were held with two central directors, one college managing director and one team leader. The findings revealed that employees of the University and students of the University perceived that; outsourcing has negatively affected all the three organizational improvement indicators: cost reduction , improvement aesthetic value of facility and increased customer satisfaction and the results has indicated that the employees have perceived that AAU hasn’t benefited as expected from outsourcing of cleaning service. The results of the study lead the recommendation that Addis Ababa University should design measurement model that used to manage, control and evaluate business process outsourcing to assist in transaction negotiation with outsourcing vendors to boost the improvement of the University and avoid unnecessary cost that happened because of lack of management and controlling system of outsourced business process.



Aesthetic value, customer, satisfaction
