Survival Analysis of Twin and Singlcton infants in South-Wcst Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
In this study the effect of socioeconomi c, demographic and biological va riables on infant
survival is in vestigated using data li'om "'fhe .limma in f~\I1 t survival differential longitudinal
stud y"' conducted in 46 urban and 64 ru ral ' kebe les' in South-West Ethi op ia during September
1992 and October 1994. The study uses 7,851 singleton and 89 twin infants. Matched pair
analysis is used to assess the survival experience between twins, and parametric regression
model is used to ,examine the association between infant mortality and socioeconomic,
demographic and bio logica l va riables. Data analyses wcre made using STATA 10 and SI'SS 16.
The result of the matehcd pair analysis showed that, thc hazard ratcs for thc lirst and the
second born twins are different at 5% leve l of significance. The Kaplan-Meier survi val
estimate far the first born twi ns is 0.7143 (95% CI: 0.6069 to 0.7971) and ror the second born
twins is 0.5634 (95% CI: 0.4523 to 0.6604).
In regard to the survival of singleton in fants , the result of Kaplan-Meier estimator shows that
the survival probability is 0.9 12 with standard error or 0.0033. That is, infant mortality rate or
about 88 deaths per 1000 live birth s.
Dirferent parametric regression models were fitted to select the s ignificant factors afreet ing
infant mortality in South-West Eth iopia. Almost all the models considered provided good fit
l'or the data but log-no rma l regression model was round to be the best fit l'or the data.
Ilased on the result br the final log-normal regression model, in fant mortality was significantly
(p < 0.05) associated with birth weight, sex of the infant, mother's education, lamily size and
marita l status and the interaction between ethnie ity and place of res idence.
Survival Analysis of Twin