Designing Networked Information System For Construction Companies Using an Object-Oriented Approach: A Case Study of Sur Construction S. Co.
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Addis Ababa University
Most system development methods, at least in principle, have two impol1ant components,
namely a modeling language and a process. The modeling languages are graphical
notations for expressing designs and provides easy communication and documentation.
The process of the method shows how to do the development process
This thesis uses the Rumbough's OMT (Object Modeling Technique) for the process of
the analysis and designing of information SUPPOI-t system for SUR Construction S Co.
Equipped with this object oriented methods, the thesis focuses on identifying the
requirement of the company, department by dependent. And then a special focus is
given to the material resource of the company. It has been found that almost every
department is concerned with the material resources, and as such it is a decisive object
that determines the success or failure of the company. Therefore, the necessary
information and operations concerned with this important material has to be identified
and designed so that every department is provided with the kind of information the
department requires for decisions making.
Many system development effol1s are made with very little or no regard to the very
impol1ant aspect of development process, namely, the documentation. Although system
development efforts are made in SUR very recently it appears no sufficient
documentation for the requirement analysis of the company has been made. As a result,
each is an islands of desperate attempts, that failed to come up with a system that can
provide an accurate, timely, and relevant in formation that the management of SUR needs
for decision making and control of operation. This thesis uses the UML as ways of
communicating and documenting the requirement analysis of the company.
Risk and uncertainty are fact of life. SUR are faced with a multitude of different risk and
uncertainty issues. But the company approaches these unpredictable circumstances of
business based on the whims and experiences that can be subject to variation and errors.
Hence it is good to collect the experience of the domain experts of the company on the
area and formalize and organize the decisions by clearly identifying the important
variables both controllable and uncontrollable and describe them through a model. And
use this model to forecast how each risk circumstance behaves, to make a better decision
that otherwise would have been costly. To this end, this paper explores the potential of
models in bidding for a new project with competitors.
Information Science