Analysis of Public Reaction to the Newly Amended and Introduced Urban Land Lease Policy of Ethiopia and Its Future Implications The Case of Akaki Kaliti Sub-city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia By: Abebe Kebede A Thesis submitted to the Institute of Regional and Local Development Studies in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Master of Arts in Urban Development and Management Addis Ababa University Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


Ethiopia has been under-taking different urban land policies to address land related problems; and supply urban infrastructure and social services since 1975. Urban land lease policy was first introduced in 1993; and then amended in 2002 due to its inefficiencies to achieve its objectives. The government amended the existing urban land lease policy and introduced it in 20 11. This action created debates among different sections of the communities. The central aim of this paper is to analyze the public reaction to this newly introduced urban land lease policy and its possible future implications. This study tries to identify the reason behind introduction of the policy; examine the public reaction to the policy and its poss ible future implications; and look at the level of the stakeholders' involvement in the policy processes. Mixed research methods; community cross sectional research design; primary and secondary data sources; household survey, focus group discuss ions and key infonnants' interviews were used for this study. The results of the study indicated that: this lease policy was designed to meet the ever increasing demand for urban land through proper urban land management; the policy process lacked stakeholders' involvement and public voices; regularization of illegally occupied urban land disappointed the majority; the conversion of old possession to leasehold affected the possessors and the banks. FUlthermore, the concepts in the new regulation prepared for implementation of the new proclamation has contradict with that of the proclamation; and research participants doubted on the role of this policy to solve the defects of its predecessor's policies: and achieve its pre-set objectives as well



Lease Policy of Ethiopia
