The Role of Rural Community Training in Agricultural Production and Household Food Security The Experience of A Gri-Ser Vice Ethiopia (Ngo) In Bale Zone, Oromia Regional State
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Addis Ababa University
This paper comprises all rounded analysis of literature mId empirical results of the impact of
community training on household food security. The study is based on Bale zone three
woredas-Gassera Gololcha, Ginir and Goro. These woredas are preferred because Agri-service
Ethiopia, local NGO, has been providing rural community training for selected faImers through
its integrated rural development program since 1987. Highland area of Bale is taken as
potential area for agricultural production. Despite its potentiality, Bale zone is not thoroughly
studied to maximize its potential. As a result small-scale farmers are less access to modem
technology and methods of fatming to change their life style. Consequently, this study focused
to deal with the role of community training on patticipant household agricultural production
and food security. Comparing approach of pmticipant and non-participant farmers is applied to
indicate the differences between the two groups of farmers. Primary data collection is
undertaken in January 2001 from the woredas, Kebeles and villages equally fifty percent fi·om
participant households of Agri-service Ethiopia and non-participants.
Discussion and atlalysis of the finding is made both qualitati vely and econometrically. The
basic data analysis of age, sex, educational status, ethnic group, religion of household head and
family size was made. Agricultural production activities of-cereals and pulses (main crop),
garden, tree crops and livestock production, input utilization and finally consumption pattern of
two groups of household is thoroughly investigated. In addition to these, based on their main
crop production, those households food secure and insecure are distinguished. The factors that
determine the status of household to be food self-sufficient m·e also econometrically measured.The results of the study indicate that the impact of community training provided for farm ers is
with less (insignificant) impacts on the main crop production compared to non-trained farmers.
The role of training is reflected on natural resource conservation, garden and tree crops, input
util ization rate and production of poultry and bee-keeping production and quality of livestock.
Crop damage that faced participant fanners is one cause that reduced the positive impact of
community training.
Empirical analysis indicated that 32.7 percent of participant fanners and 25.7 percent of nonparticipants
are found to be food insecure at 2100 Kcl minimum calorie requirement using main
crops production. The status household food self-sufficiency is highly negati vely cOlTelated
with family size; crop loss (damage) occurred and improved seed used. The status of food
security is also strongly positively correlated with cultivated land, asset sold by household and
feliilizer input used.
Finall y, therefore, the strategy to apply family planning in rural households and ' supplying
disease and pest controlling improved seeds, which help to reduce the risk of crop damage.
Since cultivated land size is one of main detenninants to attain food self-sufficiency fanners
with small size of lands should benefited with access to non-farm activities for diversification.
Fall11erS should be oriented to keep and improve the natural quality (fertility) of their cultivated
Role of Rural Community Training