Analysis of Gender Vulnerability to Climate Change and Variability: The Case of Bako Tibe Dish-iet

dc.contributor.advisorAseffa, Engidawerk (PhD)
dc.contributor.authorRegassa, Zina
dc.description.abstractRecently, climate change is becoming a global phenomena, but its impact is unevenly distributed among the regions, economic class, age class and between males and females. This study analyzes the vulnerabililY of gender to climate change and variability in the three dominant agro ecologies of Bako Tibe district. Multi-stage stralified random sampling was designed, for which Ihe sample kebele, that represent Ihe respective agro ecology, was purposively selecled while Ihe sample households were randomly selected, keeping Ihe male and female headed household representatives equal in each kebele(agro ecologies).Accordingly, 138 household~ were surveyed in the dislrict, for which 46 household in each representative agro ecology andfinally, equal proportion of both gender were selected FGDs ,key informant interview and observations were employed to collect primary dala while secondary data was basically collected on metrological data jrom Bako Agricultural Research Center(BARC) for lowland ago ecology and Shambu metrological station for the olher two agro ecologies. The sludy used integrated vulnerability assessment method through the construction of indices ji-om the selecled indicator of exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity. The indicalors were weighled using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The overall result of gender profile aClivity assessment shows unequal dislribution of workloads and unfair traditional work division between males and females figuring that females discharges a higher work load and constrained wilh unfair work division in relative to males. This unequal dislribution of work load and unfair work division darken the overall picture offemales in the community and shapes Ihe degree of vulnerability to climate change ,since it hampers the asset formation ,ownership and control of females, that filrther brings a lower livelihood asset pos~'ession in relative 10 males. The results of gender vulnerability analysis shows that females are relatively vulnerable to climate changes compared to the males in their respective agro ecology even though their vUlnerability level varies across agro ecologies. The study implies that better possession of livelihood asset even under the slress filii climatic condition lowers vulnerability level. The separale vulnerability analysis of male and female in different agro ecology shows Ihat the existing exposure in a locality is oflen modified at household level depending upon the inherent adaptive capacity of gender to give the picture of overall vulnerability(i.e. lowland agro ecology). Using only Ihe biophysical indicators of vulnerability (exposure and sensitivit)'l can thus lead to an erroneous policy implication. Furthermore, intra-agro ecology analysis of gender vulnerability indicates thai poor males and females with low adaplive capacities are vulnerable, irrespeclive of where they are located Policy measures and development efforts should be focused towards improving the adaptive capacity of the rural households especially females, while keeping Ihe posl-disaster emergency relief measures in place for localilies with higher exposure to climate extremes. The females wilh lower livelihood asset should be the primary target of any interventions. Keywords: Gender, Vulnerabil ity, Cli mate change and variabi lity, Agro ecologiesen_US
dc.subjectVulnerabil ityen_US
dc.subjectCli mate change and variabi lityen_US
dc.subjectAgro ecologiesen_US
dc.titleAnalysis of Gender Vulnerability to Climate Change and Variability: The Case of Bako Tibe Dish-ieten_US


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