Influence of occupational safety and health on organizational performance in the selected star rated hotels in Addis Ababa.

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Addis Ababa University


Implementing occupational safety and health program in the organization has a great benefit for the organization therefore the organization promoting safer work environment and it results to improved employee’s performance and the organization enhancing productivity. The objective this study was to assess the influence of occupational health and safety program on the organizational performance in the selected local star rated hotels in Addis Ababa Ethiopian. The study was considered total populations of size 1,737 and 325 participants were selected as a sample size. The sample was selected using stratified sampling technique. Among the selected 325 participants 82% of respondents respond the questionnaire. Qualitative data was analyzed by using a descriptive statistics tools using SPSS version 24 and a correlations and regression analysis were applied to determine the strength of relationship between variables and how they related to organization performance. The result of this study was revealed that strong positive and significant relationship between the dependent variable (organization performance) and the independent variable OHS training, OHS audit, OHS policy and leadership in OHS. The study concludes that local hotels doesn’t have occupational health and safety policy ,lack of OHS leadership , inadequate resource allocation for OHS program, and also the study recommends the following, hotels should have occupational health and safety policy, allocate adequate resource to implement OHS program ,provide periodically OHS training to their staffs and should conduct proper OHS audit periodically.



Occupational safety & health, organization performance, OHS training, OHS policy, OHS leadership
