Sexually Transmitted Disease in Gondar Town

dc.contributor.authorG / Selassie, Hailemichael
dc.description.abstractA case-control study of sexun lly t r:l n s mitt ed di ~e as es wa s carried out in two h e a l th uni.ts in Gondar Town no rth-w es t e rn Ethiopia between Se ptemb e r 1987 and November 19 8 7. A total of 285 cases and 570 controls participated in th e study. The peak age range was 15 - 19 yea r s (43.9%) and 20-24 year s (34.6%) for female and mal e case s r es pectively. In con trast to reports from other parts o f Afrj~R, th e male-tofemale ratio was 1.2:1 i n t his s t ud~· . Over 40 [: o f the cases were found in Ke ft pgnn four in whi ch there are predominantly soldiers and pros titu tes. Of 153 mal e cases, only 26.2% were married. Ma rri ed women constituted 33.1% of t he cases. While a further 33 . 3% wprA di.vorc ed womAn. Soldiers, prostitut e s and s tudent s (28.8 %, 19.7% and 13.3% of the total cases respectively) were identified as high risk groups. The commonest diagonsis was gonorrhoea (56.5 X), with further 21.8% of the mixed infections including gonorrhoea. Over 40% of the case s admitted to a previous history of STD. A past history of four or more STD inf ection s occurred in 10.9% of the total cases. Casual contact or unknown contact as a source of infection accounted for 50% of the infections rivalling prostitutes who accounted for 52.3% of the contacts. Of the total cas es, 54.4% sought a cure from druggists without see ing a h e al t h worker . The practice of self-medication was high and did not appear to differ greatly between educat ed and illite rat e groups (P>.lO) . Age at first sexual intercourse of l ess than 20 y ears was a s sociated with a statis ti c :llly s i g ni f i ca n t inCr0:lSed ri s k of STD (OR mh = 3. 6 , P<.'OOl ) . H:l\' in:~ '10 s pOLl s e or living away from marit a l partn e r nnel/o r ~ :ln I 11 y we r e :l~ s oc j ntc el with STD infection (1R f = 2 .3, pC. OO I '~;f d CR I ". 3 , /)1 , t !ii I P<. OO l) r es p c('. li v( ·l y) . Jil r""1: '! "" 'i ," 1·,,, ,1 I, i" " " :: "r I I 2 premarital sex was foun d to jn~ r rR~e t.h p ri s k of acquiring STD 4.8 t imes . Hot h the p ra ctic~ of mUltiple partner within on week and o ne year ]l e riod we re a lso associated with an increased risk or ~~'1uir i nf': STD (OR f : 13, P<.OOI tnt CHId OR tnh .. = 9.7 P<. 001, !tc. ~I_',,-c .tl\'c.eyl . This study has implications for the control of sexually t ran s mitted di seases in general and AIDS in parti cularen_US
dc.publisherAddis Abeba Universityen_US
dc.subjectSexually Transmitted Disease in Gondar Townen_US
dc.titleSexually Transmitted Disease in Gondar Townen_US


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