The Extent to which Teachers Use Heuristic Problem Solving Approach in Teaching Grade Seven Mathematics

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Addis Ababa University


The purpose of the study was to investigate the extent to which problem solving is taught in grade seven mathematics classes using heuristic problem solving approach in Addis Ababa City Administrative Region. The sources of data were grade seven mathematics textbook and sample grade seven mathematics teachers. Three data collection instruments were used: content analysis, observation, and questionnaire. Accordingly, the content of the textbook was analyzed, samples of eleven teachers were observed, and 35 teachers (including the eleven teachers observed) were made to fi ll the questionnaire. The result of the study revealed that problem solving was found not incorporated in most of the topics (contents) of the textbook. Heuristic problemsolving approach is applied only 25%, which is very low. Because of th is the textbook is said to be following the traditional approach. Regarding the teachers' use of the heuristic approach while teaching problem solving to the students, two results were obtained. The result of the data gathered through questionnaire administration showed that the teachers applied 71.75% heuristic approach whereas the data obtained through classroom observation showed the teachers applied 34.5% heuristic approach. However, it was also found from both instruments that the teachers gave more emphasis to teaching the computational work or performing the mathematics needed than teaching the solution process. This is also considered as the teachers used the traditional approach while teaching problem solving. An investigation was also made regarding the appropriate use of effective teaching strategies while teaching problem solving. The use of thought-provoking questions was chosen for investigation from among other effective teaching strategies. Accordingly, the data gathered through classroom observation revealed that the teachers used less number of thought - provoking questions (35.35%) than memory and factual questions. The majority of these thought-provoking questions (51.32%) were asked for thepurpose of facilitating the computational skills of the students. The result of the data obtained through questionnaire showed that the teachers ask thoughtful questions (in line wi th the heuristic elements indicated) rated as "sometimes'" Therefore, since the teachers were not found to use the thought questions properly and in sufficient number for the purpose of teaching most of the solution processes of a problem, it is said that the teachers did not use this teaching strategy appropriately. Thus, curriculum developers and other pertinent bodies should see to it that the textbook be revised and incorporate non-routine and multi-step problems that provide contexts for problem solving to occur in every content of the textbook. Together with this, when problems that are presented for il lustrative examples are solved, heuristic problem solving approach must be used regularly. In addition, the teacher's guide should provide the solution of every problem that is presented in the textbook by applying the heuristic approach. Teachers should get the necessary knowledge and skills of using heuristic problem solving approach with the appropriate teaching strategies This can be made possible through a course in problem solving to be offered in either pre-service or inservice training program



Extent to Which Teachers
