Epidmological Study and Zoonotic Importance of Bovine Salmonellosis in Selected Sites of Addie Ababa, Ethiopia

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A cross-sectional study was carried out Cor the period of 6 months in selected sites of Addis Ababa in order to determine the prevalence and distribution of Samonella in the cattle chain frolll abattoir to the COllsumer. The sources analyzed were pooled cattle faeces, pooled mesenteric Iymphnodes. single muscles from the diaphragm as well as from the abdominal region Additional minced beef from supermarkets destined for human consumption and additinally stool samples from the abattoir personnel were included ill the survey. The isolated Salmollella strains were serotyped and resistance against antibiotics delclIllined For the culture method, the technique recommended by the International Organization for Standardization ( ISO 6579. 1998) was choscn Antimicrobial results \\ere analyzed based on the descrption by AVID (1987). All the data collected on the prevalence and Salmonella distribution from the samples were presellled ill form of tables and figures The Chi• Square test analyzed statistically whether there was association between Salmollella plcvalence with animal condition or Illode of transport conditions, supcrmarkets or storage conditions in supermarkets. Analyzing prevalence and di stribution of Salmullella from 235 abattoir cattle randomly selectcd samples leads to the following results: in 47 pooled samples of faeces (containing five samples) 5 Salmullella strai ns (10.6 00) were isolated. in 47 pooled samples of mesenteric Iymphnodes there were 9 strains (196 00). 111 235 single samples of the abdominal (oblique and transverse musclc) 23 (9.8 %) and in 235 diaphragmatic muscles 28 Salmonel/a \,ere found (1\ 9 ~o) From 300 stool samples of the abattoir pcrsunncl ill 18 cases (6.0 %) St.,lmomdlll were isolated. tvlinced beef frolll the 22 supenllarkets \.,,•ilb an uverall of 330 samples cOlllained in 26 of the units (7 9 °0) .''l'tdll1cJllcl/a cases In the entire study. 98 survivi ng Salmullel/a strains were serotypcd and identified as 27 S. Anatulll. 53 S. Dublin. 5 S. leleagridis, I S. ~Iuenchen. 9 S. Sailllpaul alld 3 S rough forlll. From the pooled samples of faeces 4 S. Dublin and 1 S•. Muencl1en. of the pooled samples of IIlcscnteric IYlllphnodes 3 S. AIlt1tUIll and 2 S. Dublin IwYe been found. In single salllpies of abdominal muscles 18 S. Dublin and 3 ') .. Analum and in diaphragmatic muscle samples 21 S. Dublin and 2 S. Anatull1 occurred. The cattle specific S. Dublin \.vas tbe lIlost dominant serovar in all the cattle st1l1lples The 18 Salmol/ella isolates from the abattoir pelsollllcl consisted of 7 S. Aanlulll. 4 5/. Dublin, 5 S. Mcleagridis and 2 Salmollel/a rough \11 forms, In this case S. Anal lim was the most predominant scrovar followed by S. Al eleagridis v.hich \\as never isolated from the callie chain From mi nced beef 26 ~)"alll1()IIC!l/o strains were cultivated comprising 12 S. Anatulll. 4 S. Dublin, 9 S. Saintp3u l and 1 S. rough form 3 Sallllollel/a scrotypcs, (2 S. Anatulll. I S. Dublin and 6 S. Saintpaul) originated from Kal iti abattoir In this of Kara abattoir all 3 strains belonged to S. Saintpaul In minced meat originating from Addis Ababa lOS. Anatulll, 3 S. Dub lin and I S. rough form but no S. Saintpaul were found In all the samples of Addis Ababa aballoir (faeces, mesenteric Iymphllodes. beef cuts and minced Ineat) no S. Saintpaul \\as detected neither. The 98 Salmullel/a isolates v.ere tested for resistance against the seventeen antibiotics This result is an inuication of rare ly using antimicrobial agents in Ethiopian call ie. hence no drug



Epidmological Study
