Assessment of risky sexual behavior for HIV infection with special focus on night market and mobile people in Gummer Woreda, Gurage zone
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Addis Ababa University
Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) has become the current major public health
problem in the developed and developing countries. The epidemic is one of the greatest
challenges ever to Global well-being.
This study was designed and conducted with the aim of assessing risky sexual behavior for HIV
infection spreading with special focus on the night markets and mobile people.
A multistage, cross-sectional survey and qualitative study was carried out between November
2003 and January 2004 in Gummer woreda, Gurage zone.
A total of 838 respondents participated in the survey part and in the qualitative four FGDs of
different key informants and 14 individual in-depth interviewees were enrolled and participated
in this study. The result showed that 43 (19.2%) of males and 5 (1.8%) of females ever had
extramarital sex .Females were being protective with [OR= 0.05, 95% CI: 0.01, 0.23]. Among
the age group of 15-54years, 36 (18.2%) of 35-54 years and 25 (12.0%) of age 15-34 years had
engaged in risky sexual behaviors in relationship to night markets. Regarding marital status,
50(10.0%) of married and 11 (3.3%) of not currently married had engaged in risky sexual in
relationship to night markets. Among the married respondents, 26 (10. 8%) of males and one
female had their first sexual contact with non-regular partners. Regarding occupation, 17 (6.6%)
of farmers and 44 (7.6%) of others occupation (students, wives, traders and jobless) had engaged
in risky sexual behaviors in relationship to night markets. Other occupation had 2.5 times more
engaged in risky sexual behaviors than farmers with [OR= 2.5, 95%CI: 1.07, 5.90]. Among the
respondents only 27 (3.2%) had reported frequently use of condom in the last six months during
premarital and extramarital sex. Almost all, 826 (98.6%) have heard about HIV/AIDS. Eight
hundred and twenty six (98.4%) reported that HIV/AIDS is transmitted by unprotected sex.
Most of the FGDs discussants and individual in-depth interviewees said that nowadays night
markets have become a source for HIV/AIDS transmission in the area.
Most of the respondents did not think that they were at risk of acquiring HIV infection while
they were at risk in relation ship to night markets and mobility. It needs urgent measure interms
of HIV prevention and control in the study area.
Assessment of risky sexual behavior for HIV infection