Challenges and Opportunities of Unemployed College Graduate Youth in Woldia Town
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Addis Ababa University
This study was conducted to examines the challenges and opportunities of unemployed college
graduate youth in Woldia town administration of North Wollo zone, Amhara Region. The
research employed qualitative case study design. Semi-structured interview method was used to
collect data. Sample for study was selected through purposive sampling procedures. The findings
revealed that unemployment closely related to being unfair recruitment procedure such as
selection via political affiliation and social ties; lack of good governance; complex loan
accessing procedure; political unrest and lack of sufficient job creation programs. The situation
seems to be challenging for the town administration. In this study findings revealed that in
relation with their status of unemployment graduate youths faced psychological and
socioeconomic problems including involved in political disputes and violence. It is found that
there are no sufficient job creation opportunities, coordinated and toiled strategies to address
the unemployment problem of today’s college graduate youth. It recommends that the local
government, institution of higher education and the private sector players should increasingly
promote and support youth entrepreneurial training and job creation programs as well as
closely work to ensure accountable and transparent recruitment procedure to be in place.
Key words: Youth, Unemployment, College Graduate Youth
Youth, Unemployment, College Graduate Youth