Practices and Problems of Secondary School Leadership in West Wollega Administrative Zone
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Addis Ababa University
This study was conducted to explore practices and problems of secondary School
Leaderships in West Wollega Administrative Zone. To this effect, a descriptive survey
method was employed. Questionnaire, interview, FGD and document analysis were used as
data gathering tools. The data were collected from 5 secondary schools which are found in
5 woredas of the administrative zone. The schools and woredas were selected by simple
random sampling technique. Based on this, a total of 112 teachers were selected by simple
random sampling technique. 15 principals, 5 secondary school supervisors, 5 WEOs and 5
PTA leaders were selected by purposive sampling technique and included as a subject of
the study. The data were tabulated and analyzed with the help of percentage, mean,
frequency, and t-test. The finding of the study revealed that majority of the principals were
not qualified in the position they hold currently and they were assigned to the position by
merits only without keeping the directives of MoE. School leadership were found to be in
good position in practices like inspiring the school vision, preparing appropriate school
plan, participating the staff in decision making process and in developing mechanisms of
sharing experiences. But the school leadership has limitations in practices like supervision
and curriculum development practices. Moreover qualification and experience, organizing
and situation related problems were the challenges that secondary school leadership faced.
Based on the findings one can conclude that for assigning appropriate person the
concerned body did not keep the directives set by MoE, school principals were not included
themselves in supervising and visiting the classroom, The interest of a community to
participate in school affairs was low (has no continuity), the school leadership were not
integrate, coordinate and organize all managerial roles to implement at school level. More
over problems related qualification, organizing and situational problems were the
problems of school leadership. Based on conclusion to assign appropriate person to the
position keeping the directives set by MoE, principals included the selves in supervising
and visiting class room, to extend the interest of the community to participate in school
affairs all concerned body arrange awareness raising conferences, to avoid problems
related to qualification arranging short and long term training were adivised and for
organizing problem collaboration work with staff members were recommended to bring
about the effectiveness of their tasks