Challenges and practices of change Management: The case of A.A.U Bishoftu Campus
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Addis Ababa University
This study was conducted in Addis Ababa University Bishoftu campus with the purpose of
analyzing the challenges and practices of change management. The data were gathered from
employees of the college academic and administrative staff based on their qualification, leadership
and academic rank which is important to the researcher’s intent based on the selected sample
interviews and questionnaires. The researcher involved a mix of quantitative and qualitative
methods of data analysis with purposive sampling selection and for system of thematic analysis
such as interviews, focus on key informant, personal observation and secondary document to look
deeper into the meaning of the trends identified in the numerical and textual data to determine its
accuracy, credibility, usefulness and consistency. The study concludes the change strategic plan
held in the college working culture is improved staffs were build the mutual interest each other
than before, Practices of sharing ideas and experiences improved specially done by highly
professionals and more experienced staffs. Change resistance was occurred at the beginning of
change implementation plan, most of the Evaluation of the change management was confined on
the paper report on the routine activities Sense of ownership, national and group interest was
going down time to time and passive relationships of leaders towards the worker was increased.
On the other hand, the study also recommends before implementation of change the college must
conduct need accessement, creation of awareness about the importance of change and focus on
behavioral change of individual as well as group, set method of coordinating system and process
of activities and conduct feedback on the result. Share ideas and results made in one department
to make for all. Finally it can be suggested to further studies need to be conducted with regard to
change management tools and challenges and practices of the college by itself.
Key words: change management, challenges, practices.
change management, challenges, practices