The Legality of Ethiopian Intervention in Somalia for Self Defense in 2006, in the Perspective of International Law

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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Since 1991, Somalia has become the epitome par excellence of a collapsed state. One is tempted to seek explanation and explore the role of state authorities entrusted with the responsibility to law and order in such countries. The quasi-abandonment by the international community, the ongoing d isorder in Somalia, reluctance of the major players in the international arena, simply meant simply meant the total inability of its Transitional Federal government to survive the consequence of the withdrawal by Ethiopia. This is compounded by the chronic deficiency of a state structure in the country and the virtual international Is lamists connection to Somalia's internal conflict, which led otherwise willing African countries hesitate to intervene. This paper uses the case of Somalia to demons trate that there is s till need for the United Nations, the world's major player in mediating p eace and order, as well as actors with in Africa to define clear and equitable standards designed to operationalise this new paradigm. The objective of the research is, examine the efforts, by international and local actors, to restore law and order in Somalia. For this perspecti ve, this res earch has assessed the legality or otherwise, of Ethiopia intervention in Somalia.



