Determinants of Unmet Need for Contraception Among Currently Married Couples in West Belessa Woreda, North Gondar Amhara Region

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Addis Ababa University


The objective o/the study was to examine the underlying factors 0/ unm et need .Ii)!" contraception among currently married couples in West Belessa Woreda. A communit)' based cross sectional study was made. A multistage sampling procedure was carried Ol/t to interview 662 couples in th e study area. The study was designed in such a way that the various demographic, socioeconomic and family planning variables have effects on unmet need lor contraception. Demographic, socioeconomic and family planning variables were used as explanatory variables and the dependent variable is unmet need lor contraception. In order to examine, then, the effect 0/ these variables, th e study utilized both descriptive and multi-variate analytical techniques. The results indicated that around 31% o/wives and 17% 0/ husbands have not known any family planning method. 51% 0/ wives and 18% 0/ husbands knew utmost two methods, and 18. 3% o/wives and 66% o/husbands knew at least three contraceptive methods. Around 65% 0/ wives and 53% 0/ husbands have never discuss ed with partners issues concerning family planning. It is also indicated that 69% o/wives and 56.4% 0/ husbands have never discussed about family planning methods with health extension workers. 31% 0/ wives and 43.6% 0/ husbands have discussed with health extension workers at least once in the past three months about contraceptive methods. Concerning th e need status lor contraception, 39.5 and 47 percent 0/ women and men have unmet need for contraception, and 29 and 28.5 percent o/women and men have met their need respectively. The minimum and maximum couples' unmet needs lor contraception were found to be 29.5 and 57.5 percent respectively. According to the result o/logistic regression, among the variables, number o/living children, spousal communication and discussion with health extension workers about/amily planning methods were found to be significantly affecting couples lInmet need/or contraception. It is there/ore, recommended th at raising th e status 0/ women through education, promoting communication between couples and discussion with health extension workers about/amily planning are the prime importance to erode barriers to use contraceptive methods.



Contraception Among Currently Married Couples
