Adopting Landscape Infrastructure to Integrated urban Stormwater and Wastewater Management

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The main goal of this study is to evaluate the existing urban wastewater and storm drainage management system and made recommendation on best selected alternative option of integrated urban wastewater and storm drainage management system. Any technical wastewater and stormwater management system adopted in urban drainage based on prior quantitate design discharge estimation. This study contributes a lot to understanding of the integrated urban water management system key technique to minimize the diffuse pollution load into natural stream, to reduce point source/wastewater discharges and to preserve the hydrologic regime of natural drainage systems. Wastewater and stormwater flow discharge are analyzed based on the three-part methodology. The rainfall of 100, 50, 25, 10, 5 and 2 year annual exceedance probability meteorological method was simulated SCS unit hydrograph rainfall-runoff using HEC-HMS. The calibration result indicates basin parameters were used in HEC-HMS model is improved. Different scenarios for landcover change were evaluated for all rainfall frequency models. The frequency storm of 25 year return period produced the maximum peak discharge at the outlet found 209m 3 /s in 1995, 238.1m 3 /s, in 2002 and 262.6m 3 /s in 2009. The hydrological response indicated that with urban area increase by 24.95%, an increase in peak flow. This study shows that peak discharge increase in 13.87% in period 2002, 25.64% in 2009 compared to period of 1995 as reference. The storm drainage management infrastructures are not updated – not sufficient to the peak discharge. Flooding impact on streets, and public property damage were reported in every year. The wastewater generation from domestic, industrial, public and intuitional have direct relation water supplied and 80% of water used is changed to wastewater. Monthly billed volume of consumed water from 2011 to 2016 was evaluated to determine domestic per capita demand. The average per capita demand is found 26.74l/cap/day. Per capita demand by mode of service were found 89.2L/cap/day for High Consumption, 41.48 L/cap/day medium consumption , 21.06 L/cap/day low consumption, and 9.88 L/cap/day very low consumption. From these demand estimation the total wastewater flow rate are found 2898.9m 3 /day (0.0334m 3 /s). Only 255m 3 /day (4%) of sewer facilities is existed for wastewater management system. These infrastructures are limited to only to onsite sewer line connected to the flash toilet, off-site pitlitrine discharged to treatment plant. GIS specific landscape Suitability assessed where specific practice to place, i.e. integrated urban water management system like stormwater best management practice and Wastewater Generation Reduction. The evaluated stormwater best management practices selected is Sediment Basins, Sand Filters Pervious landscape Pavements, Bio Basins, Infiltration, Ponds and Lakes, Swales & Buffer Strips, Bio Swales, Constructed Wetlands. For wastewater reduction the selected are Stormwater Harvesting/Reuse, Rainwater Tanks, Changing Landscape Form and Water Use Education Programs.



Wastewater Managemen, Landscape Infrastructure, urban Stormwater
