Challenges of Humanitarian Supply Chain Management:
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Addis Ababa University
Every year, about 500 disasters do occur causing a death of about 75,000 people and affecting
some 200 million people. The relevance of humanitarian organizations thus is unquestionable. By
their very nature and as part of their mission, they play a significant role in rescuing people in
such situations. In recent years, humanitarians have come under immense pressure from the
donors, pledging millions in aid and goods, to prove that they are meeting their objectives in an
efficient and effective way. Eighty percent of humanitarian organization’s operations are spent on
supply chain management that targeting an improvement in the practice would be a potential and
justified approach to overcome the pressure. Supply chain challenges faced therefore worsen
humanitarian operations creating a lot of uncertainty among humanitarian organizations. This
study, therefore, conducted to assess the challenges of humanitarian supply chain management in
Ethiopia. Specifically, the study had aimed at assessing the supply chain management practices of
humanitarian organizations, identifying supply chain challenges facing humanitarian
organization in emergencies and identifying supply chain practices that can be adopted to
overcome the challenges and evaluate the effectiveness of national disaster risk management
commission response rate in terms of timeliness, suitability and adequacy of relief quantities. The
data was collected from experts who involved in early warning, supply chain logistic and warehouse
professionals, Oromiya region, East shewa zonal and Adama district experts, and Adama woreda
relief beneficiaries. This thesis examine the management of disasters by disaster risk management
commission in the area of humanitarian supply chain in responds to the 2015/16 disaster and how
satisfied drought victims were clustered at community based that EJeers Mersa, Bekoje Dewaro,
and Chekawa dufa in Adama district is purposely selected. And the households were randomly
selected the respondent in each communities from relief beneficiaries. The analysis was done by
using Statistic Package for Social Science (SPSS) and presented using descriptive statistic, Likert
scale, mean scores, standard deviation and ANOVA and presented in the form of tables’ frequency
and percentages. From the findings, challenges facing humanitarian organization grouped into
management related challenges, financial related challenges and operating environment related
challenges. It was interesting noted that beneficiaries were satisfied with the emergency responses
for 2015/16 response rate in terms of timeliness, adequacy, and suitability of the delivery of relief
items. The result of the study puts forth a simple framework of supply chain management
techniques for management of disaster during relief operations and examines why governments
and other humanitarian organization should considered their use.
Key Word: Disaster Response Humanitarian Aids, Humanitarian Supply Chain Management,
Logistics, Ethiopia.
Disaster response humanitarian aids; humanitarian supply chain management; logistics; ethiopia.