Design of Prototype Information Support System for Biodiversity Studies on Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
The direct benefits of biological resources to humanity
(for food, fuel , fiber. medicines, drugs, and raw
materials f or host of manufacture in technologies and
purposes), and the intangible scientific, ethical / moral,
aesthetic recreational values and the ecological
services (in protecting watersheds. cycling nutrients,
combating erosion , enriching soil , regulating water-flow,
trapping se dements, mitigating pollute on , and controlling
pest population s ) have been recognized f o r a long time .
However . biological resources have not been given due
care and attention by policy makers, planners, and the
Public. Indeed. The large scale problems of population
growth and inappropriate development strategies a r e
degrading the land , water , and a atmosphere and
progressively extinguishing the Earth's organisms and
habitats t hey inhabit . The great loss of biod iversity
suggests t he need f or conserving and managing it to
ensure sustainable deve lopment. The thesis d discusses
some of the research areas/topics critical to the
conservation of biodiversity. It highlights the
biological aspect as well as the soc i o - economic fact ors
and cultural context that must be considered in
successful. long-term con serration work and finally
proposes and briefly discusses a national biodiversity
conservation strategy to be drawn and implemented
As part of conserving and managing biodiversity, it is
necessary to identify what i s not known about
biodiversity and create the means to increase and
disseminate knowledge . The challenge of biodiversity
conservation, management, and research entails not only
gathering of information, but its management ,
application, and communication. Provision of the
information needed to decision makers in monitoring,
formulating policy and designing programs to conserve
biodiversity is critical. To enhance the availability and
application of scientific information for managing and
con serving biological diversity. Setting up compute r
databases and inventories and networks and harnessing the
capabilities of remote sensing and geographic information
systems are examined. From this point of view, again, a
survey ha s been conducted on local institutions concerned
wi th biodiversity , the findings analyzed, current
problems and constraints identified. Prototype databases
f o r plants, animals. national parks , germplasms, referral
deference services have been designed; strategies for
developing and implementing the databases discussed; and
a national biodiversity information and monitoring system
(NBIMS) proposed.
Information Science