Relative Clause in Afaan Oromoo: A Minimalist Approach

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Addis Ababa University


This study is about the structure of relative clause in Afaan Oromoo within the framev; ork of Chomsky's (J 993, 1995) Minimalist Program and other recent developments. In Afaan Oromoo relative clauses are classified into two: These are restrictive relative L !auses and non restrictive relative clauses. A res trictive relative clause restricts/delimits the ref-:r ence of the head NP and non restrictive relative clause give only additional information ab (/u t the previously iden t ified head NP. Furthermore, Afaan Oromoo restrictive relative c1a ยท-I se is preceded by a pause in speech or a comma in writing, whereas a res trict ive relative clf, use is not. Moreover, Afaan Oromoo rela tive clauses are divided into prenominal and postnr, minal relative clauses depending on whether fh e relative clause precede or follow the head noun. Among the relativization strategies th e language employs relative pronoun strategy and g f,pping strategy except in prenominal relative clauses and some aspects of genitive relativizat il) n. In light of Keenan and Comrie's (I977: 6-) accessibility hierarchy, Afaan Oromoo relatividS ifS subject, direct object, indirect object, oblique, genitive and object of comparison. In addition, the study deals with Afaan Oromoo relative verbs which indicate the head nOI Ji1 and relative pronoun. Afaan Oromoo relative verb divided into peljective relative ver i, and imperfective relative verb. Perfectir e relative verb describe co mpleted action wherea s imperfective relative verb expresses incomplete or progressive action.




