The Effect Of Fleet Management On Fleet Efficiency From The Perspective Of Employee (The Case Of World Health Organization Ethiopia)

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Addis Ababa University


Fleet management is the use of a set of vehicles in order to provide a service to a third-party, or to perform an activity internally in an organization, in the most efficient and productive manner with a determined level of service and cost. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of fleet management on fleet efficiency from the perspective of employee the case of world health organization Ethiopia. The study utilized mainly quantitative data analysis techniques. Descriptive statistics such as mean, percentage and frequency tables were used to describe the data. From the total population of 250 employess154sample was used by using availability sampling technics. Inferential statistics such as ordered logit model were employed in order to answers the basic question and test the hypothesis respectively. The study incorporate four independent variables in which all of them was measured on a 5-point Likert-Scale, with “1” stands for “Strongly disagree” and “5” stands for “Strongly Agree”. Apparently, mean was used as a measure of central tendency. Furthermore, the data were encoded, processed and analyzed using SPSS.V23. Moreover the results of the study suggest that, operational efficiency of WHO is weak. The study also found a positive correlation among the three of the variables (repair and maintenance, fuel management, vehicle tracking and drivers management) supply chain dimensions. Regarding the correlation, it is possible to conclude that there is a strong and positive relationship among the four variables which this study was relied



allows compa, Fleet management, administrative approach
