Magnitude of Turnover Intention and Associated Factors Among Health Care Professionals in Public Primary Hospitals in North Shewa, Amhara Region, Ethiopia, 2020.
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Addis Abeba University
Background:One of the most critical issues in public rural town primary hospitalis the high
turnover intention of skilled manpower. Good workforce retention is vital to ensuring wellfunctioning
health services capable of delivering improved health outcomes.Many factors
such as salary,work environment and supervision influence the turnover intention.
Objective: To assess the magnitude of turnover intention andassociated factors among health
care workers in public primary hospitals in North Shewa,Amhara region.
Method:A health facility-based cross-sectional study was conducted in public primary
hospitals in NorthShewa,Amhara region from March 15 to June 15,2020, on 316 health
professionals working in public primary hospitals usinga simple random sampling
technique. The data were collected using pre-tested self-administered structured
questionnaires. The data was entered into Epidata version 3.1 and was analyzed using SPSS
version 23 software.Descriptive statistics were conducted to summarize the sample
characteristics and to calculate the mean score as a cutoff point so that those below the mean
score(mean=2.9) were considered as having a turnover intention.
Result: Out of 316 health professionals who responded to the questionnaires,175(55.4%) of
them reported to have intention to leave their current work place. The result showed that the
socio-demographic factors were not significant, where as
CI:1.10,4.04)],insufficient supply of equipment and
ufficient development and training[AOR=1.74(95%CI:1.00,2.45)],unsatisfied with the
management bodies[AOR=1.700(95%CI:1.07,2.97)]and unavailability of clean
water[AOR=1.67(95%CI:1.08,2.67)]and p<.001 for all factors were significantly associated
with turnover intention of the health care professionals.
Conclusions and recommendation :The magnitude of intention to leave among health care
professionals working in public primary hospitals of North Shewa Zone Amhara Region was
high. So it would be necessary to recommend that the hospital managers, the Zone health
department and the region health bureau could be collaborated in order to reverse this
intention and retain the health professionals based on these determinants found in this study.
Turn over intention,Health professionals,Primary Hospitals.