Assessment of the Effectiveness of Watershed Management Intervention In Chena Woreda, Kaffa zone, South western Ethiop ia

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Addis Ababa University


The main purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness o.fwatershed management intervention in Chena Woredo. The study used the quasi experimental design, and stratified sampling technique to select sample kebeles. In addition, random sampling method was used to select individual households from watershed management intel,'ention and nonintervention areas. Both primclIY and secondary sources of data were used in the study. PrimclIY data were collected throughjield observation, household questionnaire survey, focused group discussion, in-depth interview and key informant interview Moreover, physical soil and water conservation structures layout measurement, laboratory measurement on soil fertility and water quality parameters were condllcted. Descriptive statistics, t-Iest, chi-square test, participalion index and binOlY logistiC regression were used for dala analyses. The study revealed that the inten1ention has good achievements in reducing soil erosion, improving water availability and quality, developing Iree plantation, diversifying income sources, reducing of oUI-migralion and increasing unily of the communities in the catchment. However, pel/orming below Ihe plan, poor communily parlicipalion, lack of Ihe struclures design alignmenl wilh slandards, inappropriate time of implementalion, lack of diversified soil WaleI' conservalion measures, absence of regular maintenance and managemenl of Ihe slruclures were some of Ihe major limitation of Ihe inlervenlion. Therefore, Ihis sludy recommends Ihal Ihe slakeholders should make appropriale correction measures for observed failures and flo-Iher inlerdisciplinary sludy should be conducted 10 explore the problems. Key words: Chena Woreda, Effectiveness, Intervention, Watershed



Watershed Management
