Study on Cattle Milk Production, Processing and Marketing System in Enderta District, Tigray Regional State

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Addis Ababauniversity


A study on cattle milk production, processing and marketing was carried out in Enderta district, which is one of the four districts in the southeastern administrative zone of Tigray National Regional State, with the objective of studying the existing cattle husbandry and milk production systems, assessing cattle milk handling, processing and marketing as well as the constraints of milk production and marketing in the study area. A four stage sampling was used to select 150 households from the two livestock production systems of the district (transhumance and sedentary livestock production systems). Data was collected through questionnaire interview, group discussion, discussion with key informants and farm visit. The average landholding of respondents was significantly (p<0.05) varied between male (2.08±0.12ha) and female headed (1±0.08 ha) households but did not differ between the two livestock production systems. The mean cattle number per household was significantly (p<0.05) vary between transhumance (11.17±0.71 heads) and sedentary (9.31±0.39 heads) livestock production systems. The major feed resources for local cattle were natural pasture and crop aftermath whereas for crossbred cattle it was reported to be crop residues. Local cattle were watered from rivers, dam and wells while pump water was used for crossbred cattle. The major cattle diseases reported in the district were anthrax, blackleg, bovine pasteurellosis, foot and mouth disease and mastitis. The overall average milk off take per day per household was 6.81±0.57 liters of which, majority (62.94%) was traditionally processed to butter and butter milk. The overall average butter production per week per household was 1.25±0.05 kg of which, 80.2% was allocated to market. Seasonal feed shortage, inefficient animal health and AI services, market shortage, price fluctuation and adulterations were some of the major constraints of milk production and marketing reported in the district. Supporting smallholders with strengthened extension service in proper utilization of available feed resources, improved husbandry practices, market access, AI and animal health services as well as introduction of control measures for quality product are expected to contribute a lot for the development of the dairy sector in the area. Key words: Enderta district, transhumance, sedentary, milk, butter, production, processing, marketing



words Enderta district, transhumanc, sedentary, milk, butter, production, processing, marketing
