Analyzing first Cycle Primary School Textbooks for Diversity Contents: Its Implication For A Multicultural Reform The Case of Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababa University


This study analyzed selection of primary school first cycle Amharic and Social Studies textbooks for grades 1–4 published in Addis Ababa Administrative Region by means of both qualitative and quantitative analysis of text and illustrations in order to analyze their contribution to social cohesion. The purposes of this research were to determine, whether textbook contents reflect the multiethnic nature of the society, and if multiculturalism’s principles are observed, i.e. if diversity issues are infused into textbook contents and, if textbooks effectively contextualize and exploit diversity and multicultural concerns. Measurable categories were developed for the analysis based on existing literature. The findings of the study indicated that textbook contents most portray groups whose ethnic and cultural background is Undeterminable (Common). Next to the Common/Undeterminable ethnic category, the Amhara and the Tigraway ethnic groups are highly visible where as the Oromo and the Gurage are sometimes found to be underrepresented. Other ethnic groups are very insignificantly mentioned in the contents of both Amharic and Social Studies textbooks. It was also found out that the number of pages devoted to diversity and multicultural concerns is very insignificant as compared to the total pages contained in textbooks and that most contents discussing diversity and multicultural issues are segregated to specific chapters and subchapters. The study also revealed that major diversity and multicultural issues are poorly contextualized and inefficiently exploited.



Primary School

