The Impact of Vocational Skills Training and Micro Finance in Empowerment of Women: in Support Scheme of Addis Ababa Women Association (Aawa)

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Addis Ababa University


The purpose oj this study was 1.0 assess the impact oj vocational skills training and seed gmnl. in the empowerment oj women. To tilL,> end; a project based crosssectional study wo...<; conductedJrom January 3 to F'ebruary 6, 201 1 in AA WA , toJind out the impact oj vocational skills training and seed gmnL/ cr-edU: in the empowerment oj women at individual level. BeneJiciaries, who had stayed one year and above. were selected by using s imple mndom sampling method. Interviews were administered; questionnaire were administered, in-depth interviews were held and Focused Group Discussions were lL'>ed Jor data collection. Data were collectedJrom mndomly selected 74 bene}iciaries and 3 top management members. The data collected entered to a computer and analyzed llSing SPSS window ve rsion 1 7; using descripl:ive research design. The variable llSed to assess the impact oj the pr(lject was increase in income and saving d ecrease in vulnembility, pos itive change in livelihood (llSing variable oj food, school Jees, healthcare, hous ing and clothes), participation in the decision making at household le vel was also used. The study revealed that the association ho...'> designed and implemented towards the empowennenL oj women llSing tmining 0...<; a tool. Mqjority oj the beneJiciaries 84% (47) save and the amount oj saving changed thr-ough time . It had been 15.45 ± 13.64 birr and now it was increased to 70 .11 ± 76.58. The majority 89.28% (50) viewed that changc in thcir pcrsonal income was high. The majority 66. I %(37) believed that c.h a nge in asset ownership and control was high. Regarding livelihood aftcr they became thc benefiCiary; the majority of the respondents in a ll variables (food intake, housing, school fees, clothes and h ealth care) indicated there was a positive chan ge. Th ere was a lso change in d eciSion ma king pattern after the intervention of AAWA a t h ou sehold level. Finally. the study realized that there is connection between vocationa l skills training and microfinancc in the cmpowcrment of womcn at the individual level.



assess the impact oj vocational skills training
