Effect Of Achieving Competitive Excellence On Air Cargo Terminal Warehouse Performance: The Case Of Ethiopian Airlines Group
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Addis Ababa University
The objective of this study is to explain the effect of ACE on Air Cargo Terminal
Warehouse performances in the case of Ethiopian Airlines Group Cargo section. A
systematic literature review was made on ACE operating system and warehouse
performance to identify the explanatory or independent variables and dependent
variables. The four constructs of ACE namely process improvement tools, waste
illumination tools, decision making tools and problem-solving tools are considered as the
independent variables. The dependent variable was warehouse performance. Structured
questionnaire was used to collect data through self-administered way. The collected data
was analysed through SPSS version 20. Descriptive analysis namely percentage, mean
and standard deviation were used to describe the variables in the study while inferential
analysis specifically of Correlation and regression analysis was conducted to determine
the effect of ACE on air cargo terminal warehouse performance. Filed observation,
interview, and questionnaires were used to collect data. A total of 55 questioners were
distributed to be filled by warehouse operation employees from sections namely, Cargo
Import, Cargo export and cargo Transit section, of which 48 questioners were filled and
returned with a response rate of 87%. SPSS statistical software was employed for the
analysis. The study reviled that waste elimination tools and decision-making tools have
direct and strong relationship with 71.1 % of the variation in performance of ECLS Air
Cargo Terminal warehouse with the other two variables also have positive relationship.
warehouse performance, process improvement, decision making, waste elimination