Growth and Yield of Amaranthus hybridus L. subsp. cruentus (L.) Thell. Grown on Fields Treated with Different Levels of Urea and Compost

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Addis Ababa University


Grain amaranth (Amaranthus spp.) is a pseudo-cereal crop high in protein content and quality, which originally was domesticated in Latin America and whose favorable nutritional profile belie its potential to alleviate nutrition and food insecurity in developing countries. There is scanty information in Ethiopia on its fertility requirements for optimum growth and yield. A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of different levels of urea (0, 50, 100, and 150 Kg/ha) and compost (0, 5, 10 and 15 t/ha) on the growth and yield of Amaranthus cruentus. The experiment was conducted during late January to mid-May 2013 at the Castle Vineyard and Winery Project site in Batu (Ziway) town of East Shewa. Treatments were laid out in a completely randomized block design and replicated four times. Data collected at two week interval were plant height, number of leaves, number of branches, leaf area and stem girth. Inflorescence height was measured at 12 weeks after sowing and grain yield was measured after harvesting. Data collected on the growth parameters and yields were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA). Significant treatment means were separated using Tukey test at P<0.05. The results showed that the applications of urea and compost significantly (p<0.05) influenced all growth parameters and yield of Amaranthus cruentus. The highest rates of compost (15 t/ha) and urea (150 Kg/ha) significantly increased the growth parameters and yield when compared to the control and have the highest mean values for all the parameters measured. The use of urea and compost is therefore essential in increasing Amaranthus cruentus yield. Since no significant difference was found at 10 t ha-1 and 15tha-1of compost 10 t ha- compost and urea at the rate of 150 Kgha-1 is recommended. Key words: compost, urea, yield



compost, urea, yield

