Factors Influencing Effectiveness Of Monitoring And Evaluation System: The Case Of Commercial Bank Of Ethiopia Information Technology Projects
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Addis Ababa University
Given the fact that monitoring and evaluation is one of critical activities in the project
management cycle that enhance the chances of success of projects, factors that may
influence the effectiveness of M&E system for projects is not well studied. This study
assessed factors influencing the effectiveness of M&E in various Information technology
projects at Commercial bank of Ethiopia (CBE). Its main objectives were: to find out
how organizational leadership, competency of staff handling M&E, stakeholder
participation and budget allocation for M&E influence the effectiveness of the M&E.
Descriptive research design was used. Purposive sampling technique was used to collect
data from 52 respondents which selected based on their responsibility, capacity and
knowledge about the factors under study. Data was collected using structured
questionnaires. Descriptive statistics and Relative importance index (RII) were used to
clearly understand the influence of how competence of staff handling monitoring and
evaluation, stakeholder participation and budgetary allocation and organizational
leadership influence effectivensess of M&E system of IT of CBE.This research attempts
to empirically explores the relative importance of factors influencing effectiveness of
M&E system for information technology projects based on the Relative Importance
Index, the weightage and the key factors responsible for efficency and suggests measures
to enhance each influencing factor. The study recommends allocation adequate time,
effort and resource to adopt a result based management RBM for IT projects, to
increase the number and type of M&E staff, active involvement of organizational leaders
in carrying out monitoring and evaluation activities of the projects so as to boost the
effectiveness of the Monitoring and evaluation system of the projects.
Competence of Staff Handling M&E, Organizational Leadership, Stakeholder Involvement