Coping strategies of displaced flood Victims: the case of dire dawa

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Addis Ababauniversity


The main aim of this study was to explore post crisis coping strategies of the 2006 flooddisplaced victims of Dire-Dawa in the three resettlement camps (Jerba, Gende, and Mariam sefer). The study intended to look at the challenges victims face to cope, the coping strategies employed and their outcomes, and finally the influential factors behind the choice of coping mechanisms. As a theoretical framework, sustainable livelihood framework (SLF) was employed To this end, out of a total of 624 flood-displaced victims in the three resettlement camps, 18% were selected proportionally for the purpose of this study. Accordingly, 112 respondents were selected. To achieve the objectives mentioned, data were gathered through questionnaire, key informant interview, focus group discussion and observation. The questionnaire was distributed for all 112 sample respondents; FGD was conducted with 16 of the participants of this study. In addition, to cross-check the results of the survey, interview was made with 7 key informants (women, leaders of the resettlement camps, and chair person of the Dire Dawa DPPA bureau). The data obtained through questionnaire were analyzed using simple descriptive statistical methods such as frequencies, percentages, charts, tables, and graphs. For the qualitative analysis (for the data obtained through focus group discussions, key informant interview, observation, open-ended questions) direct quotes and discussions were made. Results of the study revealed that, economic, social/organizational and cultural coping mechanisms were employed in response to challenges exerted by flood incidence. The social/organizational and cultural coping strategies were found to be the most effective whereas some of the economic coping mechanisms were found to be least effective (e.g. children involvement in livelihood activities). The researcher of this study recommends that mechanisms should be designed by city administration and NGOs to avert the consequent problems of those coping strategies which have undesirable outcome (reduction of meals, children school dropout). The communities studied should also be benefited from micro credit services so as to diversify income generating activities and ensure sustainable livelihood



case of dire dawa
