Hiv/Aids Vulnerability Among Hawassa University Students

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Addis Ababa University


Context: To initiate meaningful prcv ~ nti vc measureS ror the prevent ion ane! COl1trol of III V/I\IJ)S. there is a need to have inCormation on the perception and knowlcdgc of students and the scxual l1L:havior uf st udent s which form a signifi ca nt at risk group. Ohjectives: The ultimate ohject ive or this study is to investiga te till' factors whi ch aggravate the vuln erability or st uden ts to III V/I\IJ)S . Methods: A cross sect ional survey is condu cted on thc knowledge and percept ion. vulncrab ility and sex ual behavior of studellis among 4 16 students that were se lccted using rnu lti -stagc stratiried simple random sa mpling tech niq ue. Six rocus group discuss ions each con taining eight members were conducted . In this cii sc li ssion 18 female and 30 nlaic studcnts participatcd. Descripti ve and some in fe rential statisti cs like Chisquare test: binary logistic and muitinoill ial regreSSIon were used to assess the vulnerab ility of stuci ents to III V/A IDS. l~t'slll1s : l\llost students have knowledge on the rouies or transmiss ion and prevent ion of III V/I\I I)S. More than <)O'/r " fthe student s have an illierestto take co un selingalld test ing serv ice, ror III V/A IDS. Ili ghcr than one thi rd of the selec ted st ude nts had a life tillle sex ual intercourse experience and the majori ty or lh L:/ll were male stucknls but only one firth or the studellls had se:xual int ercou rse experi ence in the last 12 months and most were male student s. Ncarl y one fou rth of respondcnts had marc than one sexual part ncr and l110st 01" thel11 were l11ale stud en ts. Among fe male stude nts who had sex ual interco urse ex peri cnce in th e: last 12 months 43.5°/r reported that tileir sexual partn ers were marri ed PL: I'SO IlS. No correl ati on is round bctween the variab lc\ having l1Iultiple scx ual partn er anel average 11I0111 hl y income or stu(kn ts. Conclusion : TI ll' findings I"rllill this study showe:d til at not fewe r proportion of respondent.s ha ve r i s~)' sexual behavior and arc vu lne rable 10 III V/I\II) S. This qudy ca lls lor illte n ~jvc. elfecti ve and st rong in fo rmali on educat ion and C0 J1111IUlllcation programs hy the Uni versi ty.



Hiv/Aids Vulnerability
