Analyzing the Effect of Manufacturing Industries on Environment in Sheger City: Implication for Sustainable Industrial Development

dc.contributor.advisorHailu Worku (Professor)
dc.contributor.authorMilkessa Jagemma Tolerra
dc.description.abstractUrbanization-driven industrialization refers to the growth of industries as cities and towns expand due to migration, population growth, and infrastructural development. This transformation leads to economic benefits but also creates significant environmental challenges. A balanced approach is required, emphasizing sustainable industrial development to mitigate adverse environmental effects while ensuring positive economic growth. Ethiopia's urbanization-driven industry has disrupted the environment and social well-being, as it does in many other emerging nations. The implications for sustainable industrial expansions and the impacts of Sheger city's manufacturing industry on the environment were the main objectives of this study. To evaluate the effectiveness of industry expansion strategies, economic impacts, and industrial agglomeration effects, survey questionnaires were used. Furthermore, laboratory research was conducted on the geographical differences in the physicochemical properties and heavy metal concentrations in the areas of industrial wastes, water, soil, and vegetables. To quantitatively analyze the data, common statistical tools such as one-way ANOVA, correlation coefficient, hazard index, bio concentration factor, and regression analysis were employed. The findings of this study showed that the levels of heavy metals and physicochemical characteristics were higher than allowable limit, which had an impact on the soil, water, and plants on land. In addition, the country's industrial policy has failed to take advantage of the potential to efficiently employ locally accessible resources and promote connections between isolated industrial zones. This study conclude that industry policy has to be initiated, accessible industrial effluence control standards should be enforced more strictly, installing plant treatment, industrial leftovers should be converted into biogas products, and public awareness should be increased. Keywords: Agglomeration, heavy metal, Industrial wastes, physiochemical, Spatial
dc.publisherAddis Ababa University
dc.titleAnalyzing the Effect of Manufacturing Industries on Environment in Sheger City: Implication for Sustainable Industrial Development


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