Challenges and Prospects of Internal Road Infrastructure Development: The Case of Yeka Sub-city Administration
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Addis Ababa University
Cobblestone road is one of the infrastructure developments implemented in many cities of the
country since 2008 in all of Sub-Cities of Addis Ababa city administration. Many internal roads
are constructed jointly by the community and government participations. The roads have many
benefits, i.e. creating job to the city youths and helping to minimizing the number of youth’s
unemployment in Yeka Sub-city in particular and in Addis Ababa city administration in general.
Besides, the cobblestone project making all the surrounding environments attractive and
beautiful and the internal roads are always facilitating the overall service delivery within and
outside the sub-city. As to the researcher observation a significant part of the cobblestone roads
are not well maintained and properly used. This research work tried to assess and examines the
Challenges and Prospects of Internal Road Infrastructure Development. The study was
conducted in both a descriptive way of quantitative as well as qualitative research approach.
The unit of analysis for this study is Yeka Sub-City as a case study which has 10 Woredas and
among which Woreda 01, Kebeles 01 and 02 were sampled purposively, while respondents are
randomly selected from residents in the selected areas. Data were collected through
questionnaire and interview of key informants, observation of the field and critically reviewing
documents and reports of the concerned Woreda, sub-city, regional as well as and other
relevant government offices. The findings indicated that cobblestone roads are benefiting the
community, who assured for benefits they have obtained. Whereas, the roads are getting damage
due to other infrastructure development works by some government institutions; and individuals
who needs to fix their waterline. The community’s sense of ownership has improved in fear of
losing the roads’ quality and benefits due to damages in the roads. The roads are deteriorating
because of the absence road management together with poor maintenance after construction.
Water pipes and sewerage pipes, are some of the reasons damaging the roads.
Reconstruction/maintenance of the road by the responsible individual results in poor road
maintenance. Another significant problem observed was improper ditches /resulted in water or
mud overflow to the roads. Based on the conclusion, some of the recommendations are: develop
the sense of community ownership in order to preserve, manage and maintain the development
outcomes without expectations to the government or each other. Furthermore, there should be
directives to administer the roads, the local government should make a smooth space for the
community to develop the sense of ownership, and the local government should be committed in
following up of these activities and there should also be routine or regular maintenance
A Thesis Submitted to Department of Public Administration & Development
Management in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to the Degree of
Master of Arts in Public Management and Policy
Road Infrastructure Development, Yeka Sub-city