Some Characteristics, Reasons For Participation, And Study Problems of The Senior Secondary Level Correspondence Students In Ethiopia

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Addis Ababauniversity


The purpose ot thlS study was to investigate lnto some characteristics , reasons for particlpatl0n, and study problems ot a group ot students in ethiopia, namely, students who have been enro~ ed in the correspondence education programme, otrered by the Distance Education Dlvisl0n 0 the Department of Adult Education, Ministry of Education, The study was carr led out through a questionnalre sent to the 560 students ot the correspondence programme, who were found being act1vely pursulng their senior secondary courses, offered by the Distance Education Division, /,,ul.-t.ZL June, 1992/93 academic yea r . An lnstrument used tor data col ection, namely, the questionnalre was first developed and then validated by a group ot Judges and was adjusted for use in the light of the comments received from the persons who performed the judging task. Out of the 560 questionnaires sent to students, 382 questionnaires were returned filled correctly, i.e. a response of 68.2 percent. The results of the data collected from the 382 students were tallied and described on the basis of the total percentage of the response secured for each item of the questionnaire o f the var i ab le s investigated . The findings of the study revealed that the typical correspondence programme student of the Distance Education Dlvision 1n Ethiopia is between 20 and 4 0 years old, married and has more than one children, The ma le students comprise 81,7 percent of the stuuenL DOdy, 'ihe educatl0nal backgro nd or the students is above ower senior second ary school eve, i, e; above 10 graaes or schoo llng , Tney are worklng student s almost lnVar1aOl.Y 1n a wh i te collar occupa~ions, l'hey be~r the ex~enses Oi tne cours~ out or tnelr own pocKets , and can be to nd mostly 1n rura l areas, Prcm.i..nert:. objectIves lor n(e1'i:<:,lng turtner studies inc.Luc eLl ' t o gaul an arric ally recoyn:.ze<l cert:lr1cate' , 'to PdSS an eXbm natlon' I 'to obtain competence Ior better jobs', 'to secure protessional promotion' 1n t:neir order ot .f>re..{er~/J{.q. i The student rated convenience as the main advantage ot tne correspondence stuny metno - , Because of their worK commltments, they cannot avail themse lves of conventional secondary schools. Thus, trom the prominent reasons students gave for their choice of the study form, supported by the findings on the st:udents ' objective for learning, and student characteristics, lt was concluded that the correspondence educ a tion programme, ottered by the Distance E.ducation Division in Ethiopia, is prlmarily chosen as a means of study by persons who, because ot ramily Situation, vocational engagements or other ooligations were not able to take advantage of educational ot ers wnlch cemand regular class attendan ce , " ~ ยท . Based on the major findings and conclusions of the study it was recommended that the Distance Education Division should set-up an evaluation panel responsible to assess the effectiveness of its various programmes and activities. The most co~mon complaint from students was the delayed feedback in tutors comments to the assignments submitted for correction. In order to tackle this problem, the Distance Education Division(D.E.D.) may need to assess the efficiency of its postal delivery system by various mechanisms. If the postal delivery system is found to be inefficient, the D.E.D. may possibly be decentralized by setting up a network of local study and tutorial centres in different regions. Moreover a programme of information dessimination using news-media, brochures and posters as well as the facilities of educational radio programmes may help attract potential beneficiaries of the correspondence programme.



Correspondence Students In Ethiopia
