Factors That Determine Film Genre Preference Of Audiences: The Case Of Three Selected Government Owned Cinemas In Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababa University


People use different mechanisms to quench their thirst for entertainment, information and communication. There are myriad of entertainment alternatives and film is among those which attract numerous number of audiences. Movies play a pivotal role in relaying messages in a manner that is based on the interest of a particular target audience. Over the past few years the number of films produced and movie-goers have increased. It is not uncommon to hear people criticizing our local films for being narrow, lack of originality, and for their superficial & similar plots. Even though there is a big appetite for various film genres with different themes, many of the films that are being released seem to revolve around only romance, drama, tragedy and comedy. The purpose of the study was to describe factors that determine film genre preference of audiences. Theoretical and empirical literatures were reviewed to formulate the hypotheses of the study. To accomplish the objectives of the study a survey of 400 audiences found at the three government owned cinemas (Cinema Ampere, Cinema Ethiopia, and Ambassador Cinema) was conducted. Deductive approach, descriptive research design and quantitative research method were employed in order to conduct the study Survey questionnaire was used as a strategic instrument to gather the required primary data from the sample population. The descriptive and inferential analyses of the collected data were conducted with the help of SPSS version 20. The key finding attained from the hypotheses tested using chi square indicated that gender, age, and level of education did have a strong association with film genre preference of the respondents. It was further revealed that action, war, horror, crime, suspense, and adventure were cited as films the audiences would like to watch locally made. Advertising, poster, word-of-mouth, budget, director, and publicity were found to be other factors that influenced film genre preference of the audiences. Eventually, some recommendations to alleviate the problems associated with Ethiopian film industry and suggestions for future research were made.



Gender, Age, Level of education
