Development Journalism in Ethiopia: Examining the Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation’s Watchdogging Role of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms
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Addis Ababa University
The central focus of this study is on assessing the effects of the practice of ‘development journalism’ model
of media functioning in the Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation on its wider roles as a watchdog in the
protection and enhancement of fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens. Specifically, this thesis
attempts to assess the media policy of the country and the programs produced by EBC which fits the
watchdogging role of fundamental rights and freedoms in their content with nine key informants’ ideas to
show how the development journalism approach in practice has been affecting the quality of EBC’s
presentation of human rights issues accurately and persistently.
The study employed mixed approach, both qualitative and quantitative. The researcher used both primary
and secondary sources of data. Primary data were elicited through in-depth interviews with key informants
whereas secondary data were gathered from sources like books, articles, official documents and other
pertinent publications. Selected programs produced by EBC-1 were also examined.
After examining the ‘development journalism’ policy documents of a country, ascertaining the view of key
informants, content analysis of selected programs of EBC-1 productions and other written documents, the
study has come up with the following findings.
The Ethiopian ‘development journalism’ policy document didn’t consider watchdogging role of the EBC
(state media) as a noble role that media could play. It considered such media as instrument to achieve
development. It framed EBC to stand with government policies and strategies, and initiate the public to
participate in development endeavors of the government. The watchdogging role of fundamental rights and
freedoms is negatively understood. Hence, most of program presentations in EBC are positively discharged,
even though there are many defects in the country which needs to be covered. The EBC’s coverage of human
rights issues and ability of entertain diverse opinion is weak. The approach of reporting is also top-down
approach. However, the study also showed that EBC has been producing some productions which are
playing role in protection and promotion of human rights like Aend Le Aend (one to one) program, and
some sessions of its documentary series. But, such programs are subject to frequent interruption and
change. Under this situation the challenges like, absence of editorial independence, inadequate budgeting
for investigative programs, lack of professional journalists, self-censorship … preclude EBC from
performing watchdogging role of fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens.
Rights and Freedoms,Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation’s,Journalism In Ethiopia