Inter-Ethnic Contlicts in Ethiopia: The Case of' ](arrayu Oromo and Argobba Groups

dc.contributor.advisorGebre, Ayalew(PhD)
dc.contributor.authorTeshome, Melese
dc.description.abstractThi ' thesi ' delved it elf to explain the cau 'O ' , act r ' and dyn IIni ·s 0 Ihe Karray u- l.rgobba conflict. It al 'o targeted at analyzin the mi ro and ma '1'0 level approa 'he . used 10 redre.'s lhe conflict. This study i ' based on primary and 'econdary data 'our e '. The primary clala is collected via intervie'ws, FD, c I 'e historie and 'Y 'lematic observation. The study 11'(1.' conducled in three district , Minjar- henkora, Berhel and Fentale. The study has found OUI that the Karrayu and Argobba p eople have both amicable and conflictual relat ions. Their conflict is conceived in the wombs of multifarious factors. As 'uch, inappropriate development policy and competition over scarce re 'ources are the cardinal economic fac tors in the conflict. In the political realm, la ck of good governance and the politicizat ion of ethnicity, mainly a po ·t 1991 reality, have fue led the conflict. This development ha transformed their conflict fro m temporal use of resources to a permanent control of territory. 1n addition, the warrior ethos of the study people and their contemporary convergence in their social concept of solid boundary has played a role in their conflict. The final structural cause of the conflict is issue of security, i.e. the proliferation of SALWs and question of territorial ownership. Apart from the structural causes there are also triggering causes in the conflict. The triggering factors which this study identified are homicides, callie raiding and rustling. drought and fam ine, and the role of spoilers. 1n order to redress the stated conflict both customary and Slate centered approach has been used. The once effective customary confli ct resolution has proved inadequate to redress the root causes of the conflict. Its weakening is attributed to its marginalization by the state and issue of territorial ownership proved beyond its reach. Similarly the attempts made by the state did not bear its fru its. In this regard, the JPC, which is meant to ke ep peace in the area, has proved ineffective in dealing with issue ofboundary. Finally based on its finding this study recommended that there is an imperative need to promote customary conflict resolution. The community should return raided animals and handover culprits to the Woreda administration. The Woreda should arrange regular avvareness creation forums and teach about the adverse effect of conflict. lv/o reover, the regional and federal government should control the proliferation of JlLWs. And finally the fede ral governlll eJ1l should delineate the boundary of conjlictt errilOry.en_US
dc.subjectThi ' thesi ' delved it elf to explain the cau 'O ' , act r ' and dyn IIni ·s 0 Ihe Karray u- l.rgobba conflict. It al 'o targeted at analyzin the mi ro and ma '1'0 level approa 'he . used 10 redre.'s lhe conflict. This study i ' based on primary and 'econdary data 'our e '.en_US
dc.titleInter-Ethnic Contlicts in Ethiopia: The Case of' ](arrayu Oromo and Argobba Groupsen_US


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