Organizational Communication Satisfaction: The Case of Awash Insurance Company S.c. Samson Belina
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this research study was to explore the topic of organizational communication in
Awash Insurance Company and examine staff members' perceptions about their level of
communication and job satisfaction in their workplaces. This study was also designed to test the
relationship between communication sati sfaction and job satisfaction by analyzing the
significance of different dimensions of communication satisfaction with the view that satisfa ction
is multi-faceted.
A total of 60 staff members from different departments of the company part icipated in this study.
This study included both manager and non-manager employees of the company. A modified
version of Communication Sati sfaction Questionnaire (CSQ) developed by Downs and Hazen was
used to co llect data. The study used a Likert-type scale with a 7-point scale and had eight
dimensions (personal feedback, supervIsory, horizontal and infol1nal communication,
organizational integration, corporate infonnation, communication climate, med ia quality, and job
satisfaction). The statistical analyses of the data from eight research qu estions revealed some
significant relationships and differences. The results found that staff members perceived their
level of satisfaction with communication sati sfaction dimensions, supervisory, subordinate and
corporate information from somewhat sati sfied to satisfied, and communication climate and
personal feedback as indifferent. The results found significant differences among different
dimensions of CSQ, indicating that communication sati sfaction is multi-faceted. The staff
members perceived their level of job sati sfaction to be somewhat satisfied .
The results indicated that gender, marital status and number of years in service do not seem to
make a signifi cant difference among staff members' level of sati sfaction. There were strong
positive relations found among all dimensions of CSQ. A strong positive relationship and
stati stically significant cOlTelation was found between overall communication sati sfaction and job
satisfaction scores, indicating that when staff members feel satisfied wi th communication in their
workplace, they also tend to feel satisfied with their job in their workpl ace.
Organizational Communication Satisfaction