Assessment of Conflict Management Practice: the Case of Dashen Bank
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study was to assess of Conflict Management Practice: The Case of Dashen Bank"
focuses on the Head office of Dashen Bank SC in Ethiopia. To objectively answer the research questions,
and meet the objectives of the study, the researcher employed both quantitative & qualitative approaches
and descriptive survey design. The target populations for this study were Head office employees, and
managers of the Bank. Totally 100 samples of respondents were selected using a simple random sampling
techniques. The type of data used in this study was primary and secondary sources. The study employed
structured questionnaires and semi-structured interviews for data collection. The quantitative data
collected through questionnaires were analyzed quantitatively using descriptive statistical tools
(frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations), whereas the qualitative data collected through
open-ended questions and interviews were analyzed qualitatively using descriptions and narrations. The
study found that the two types of conflict that are seen at Dashen Bank head Office are interpersonal
conflict (80.0% ) and intergroup conflict (20.0% ) and the Bank approach to handling conflicts is
inadequate and through hearsay is the most way administrative staff gets information about existence of
conflict. Finally, based on the research findings and conclusions drawn, the study recommended Dashen
Bank to enhance awareness of conflict-related issues, a unique orientation and training program should be
created. Additionally, the organization should set up various opportunities for the staff to improve their
interactions with one another in order to prevent the aforementioned difficulties