A Factor Model to Predict the Construction Labour Productivity in Building Project: A Case Study of Meles Zenawi Leadership Academy Construction
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Addis Ababa University
In the construction industry, labor productivity is a key variable in the profitability of a
construction project. The most challenging issue for planning a construction project is
predicting the construction labor productivity (CLP) because it is affected with many factors
that are objective and subjective ranging from internal to external. Based on review of the
literatures, several research on CLP have been done in the past; however, a deeper
understanding is still needed to control the construction labor productivity because
parameters (factors and practices) influencing construction labor productivity are multifaceted
and project dependent. In an attempt to predict CLP in construction projects, this
research aims to identify, classify and quantify parameters (factors and practices) influencing
the CLP of concrete placement, Rebar and formwork using a case study at the construction of
the Meles Zenawi leadership academy situated at Goro by developing a multiple regression
model .In this paper, the effective factors that affect the CLP were taken from a large
literature review and 20 factors were classified into Management, Labor/human,
technological and external termed based on the findings . In total, 222 data points have been
collected for a period of two months on both daily and weekly basis. Multiple regression
models have been developed for each activity. The slab formwork, column formwork, lift
formwork and rebaring presented significant models with a coefficient of determination of
77.6%, 47.0%, 82.6% and 82.7%, respectively. In slab formwork activity, the study results
indicated that increased crew size and complexity of the task decrease the CLP. In column
formwork, the increase in level of interruption and disruption, crew size, working conditions
and temperature will tend to lower the CLP, while the increase in the skills of labor and will
increase the CLP. In lift formwork, the model shows that the increase in crew size, shortage
of materials will decrease the CLP, whereas the increase in the crew experience and skills
labor will increase it. For the rebaring activity the increase in skilled labor and clarity of
technical specifications will considerably increase the CLP. In the study, the improvement
strategies are also discussed.
Factors affecting the productivity construction labor productivity (CLP) multiple regressions