Challenges of Female Students in Learning Physical Education: The Case of Hadiya Zone Preparatory Schools (SNNPR
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Addis Abeba university
The major purpose of this study was to investigate the current status and
challenges of female students learning in physical education activities in
Hadiya zone of SNNPR preparatory schools, and make recommendations for
their participation.
The main issues considered are females in sport activities, physical education
as an academic disciplines, gender issue, curriculum and finally the factors
that affect female students in physical education learning.
To this end, descriptive survey method was employed.
The study was carried out on 3 preparatory schools that were selected using
random sampling techniques from 8 preparatory schools of Hadiya zone.
The study also involved 200 female students selected randomly from grade 11
and grade 12, 5 teachers and 3 school directors purposely selected from the 3
sample schools.
Questionnaire, observations, and interview were the instruments used for data
The data gathered were analyzed using the collected data were presented in a
table form and analyzed using percentages.
Some of the major findings including the enrollment challenges of students in
the sample preparatory schools had fluctuating challenges that female
students dropout was due to economic problems parents household demand
of their daughter labor, early marriage and abduction. There was a significant
difference in achievement between male and female students. Female students
like better skills development earlier at preparatory school and to have more
female teachers and other sporting role models.
Boys dominate in using sport equipment and facilities and exclude females
who wish to use them by intimidating or ignoring them. Parents tend to
promote sport for boys more than they do for female students and female
students were neglected due to household work.
The deterrent factors for female students were; sport being too competitive
feeling inadequate due to lack of skill acquisition playing with or being
watched by boys, treated low body image. On the other hand, from out of
school factors, lack of time to study at home lack of parental support (lack of
sport facilities), low level of parental education were identified as same of
causes for challenges of female students in learning physical education in
Hadiya zone.
Hence, it is recommended that depending on the results of findings,
concerned bodies such as parents, teachers, directors etc have to encourage
that female students can participate in physical education and sport activities,
to give equal opportunity and access in education with their male counter
parts, increasing the number of female physical education role model teachers
to encourage and participate female students, to involve teachers and
curriculum experts in curriculum development, to overcome the problems that
affect female students from learning in physical education activities through
awareness, to give regular counseling for female students on the bases of their
performance and interests
Learning Physical Education