A Study on the Assessment of Patterns and Complication of Foreign Body Aspiration Among Children Visited Pediatrics Emergency Room of Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa.Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
Introduction: Foreign body (FB) aspiration is the act of accidentally inhaling a foreign body,
usually materials, food or drink. It is the leading cause of death all parts of the world. Foreign
body (FB) aspirations in childhood are frequently emergency conditions especially in less than 3
years age, comprising an important proportion of accidental deaths one of the leading causes of
death young children that almost 600 children under 15 years of age die per year in the USA
Objectives: This study aims to determine the patterns of foreign body aspiration among children
Methods: All patients with FB aspiration treated at Tikuer Anebsa
specialized hospital in the
department of pediatric emergency OPD over a period o f three year from January 2014 to
Result :-From the total 5412 surgery patients who visited the pediatric emergency department of
TASH during the study period,289 (5.3%) were foreign body aspiration patients. From secondery
data showed Out of the 289 cases 150 cards having complet information about pattern and
complication of FB. Among the participants
95 (63.3%)were males and 55 (36.7%) were
females, giving a male to female ratio of 1.7:1. The patients’ mean ages 59.05 months(5 years)
with the ranged of 6 months to 13 years. 41(27.3%) of the victims were between 12-36 months
( 1-3years). The most common cause of foreign body aspiration is crops / seeds accounted
54(36.0%) from these bean is common. Plastic and metallic materials high in frequency of
foreign body aspiration accounted 44(29.3%) & 28(18.7%) respectively.Almost all of the
patients 149(99.3%) have sudden onset of cough, 84(56%) and 25(16.7%) of the patients have
sudden onset of difficulty in breathing and vomiting respectively. Most of the patients 71 (47.3%)
have high grade fever. 52(34.7%) and 43(28.7%) of cases have lodgment on the right main
and trachea respectively. The average time of arrival to hospital is 17.6 days and
ranged from 1 hour to 360 days. The majority of patients 61(40.7%) arrived to hospital
after aspiration is within 3-7 days. Only 21(14%) of patients arrived with in 24 hours. 68(46% )
of FBA patients developed complications. From these 44(64.7%) were aspiration pneumonia.
139(92.7%) of cases were managed with surgical procedure. Bronchoscopy was done for most
of the cases 140(93.3%) . The average length of stay was 7(6.7) days
days.vi ranged from 1 day to 61
Keywords;-Foreign body aspiration, children, pattern, Ethiopia
Foreign body aspiration; children; pattern; Ethiopia