Causes for Relapse of Addiction among Substance Abuser after Having Treatment in Rehabilitation Center and its Consequences
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The aim of the study was to identify the causes of relapse among substance abusers after
substance use disorder treatment. A qualitative, exploratory case study research design was used
for the study. A total of six patients with relapse case under treatment and two health professionals
were selected using purposive sampling technique. In-depth interviews and key informant
interview were employed to collect data. In using this technique, it was supplemented by inclusive
criteria to make the selection free of the researcher’s bias. The data were analyzed using thematic
analysis. The site of the study was St. Paul Millennium medical college rehabilitation center and
Amanuel mental specialized hospital rehabilitation center. The findings show that psychosocial
effects like negative emotional states, lack of support, and peer pressures are recounted in factors
causing relapse. Environmental factor and Economic problems are the other relevant causes of
relapse revealed by the study. The finding also revealed that, health, psychology, social
relationship and economy were affected by relapse. It is recommended that structured, holistic
aftercare should be implemented. Effective relapse prevention should be made by understanding
causes of relapse. Based on the findings of the study, future research areas and effective
interventions were forwarded. There are only few researches done on the causes of relapse in
Ethiopian context, so this research will contribute essential information for future researchers
Drug, Substance Use, Substance abuse. Substance Abuser and Relapse